performance appraisal in china

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Introduction Performance appraisal is a western management concept (Bennington & Bai, 2005; Shen, 2008) which represents a central function of human resource management (Dulebohn & Ferris, 1999). To channel employees’ abilities and efforts to match organisational expectations, organisations should develop a good performance appraisal system that can measure employees’ performance with reasonable accuracy, provide employees with feedback on their performance, and give opportunities to employees to correct their weaknesses (Camardella, 2003; Chan, 2001; Zhu, Dowling, & Holland, 1996). This definition clearly presents that performance appraisal offers a chance to assess or judge various aspects of employees’ work performance by checking back how they have performed in the past and then predicting and developing their future performance (Glen, 1995; Losyk, 2002). However, some organisational researchers recognise that it is difficult to translate ‘western’ performance appraisal into a different cultural environment (Bennington & Bai, 2005; Shen, 2008; Zhu et al., 1996). It leads the practice of performance appraisal in China exist some problems. The purpose of this essay is to point out how to improve the effectiveness of performance appraisal in China by exploring the problems discovered in the implementation of performance appraisal in China. Firstly, this essay identifies the differences between Chinese performance appraisal and Western performance appraisal. Secondly, it critically analyses two problems discovered in the implementation of performance appraisal in china: one is the lack of effective feedback in performance appraisal; another is its over-emphasis on the function of measuring reward and punishment for the employee rather than identifying employees’ potential ability in the long run. At last, it discusses how to improve the effectiveness of

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