People Will Kill for Love and Acceptance from Their Parents

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Kalise Washington English 1301 19 November 2012 People Will Kill for Love and Acceptance from Their Parents Love is a powerful thing. Every human being craves to experience it at least once in their life time. There are many different outcomes that can come from love or the lack of it. In researching I learned how the lack of love and parental acceptance plays apart in many criminal behaviors such as jealousy and violence, battered women, and even serial killers. Just to name a few. I will focus on how love or the lack of love can relate to criminal behaviors. Love is defined as a feeling of warm personal attachment or deep affection as for a parent, child or friend. Our parents are usually the first people we fall in love with. How we love our parents or how our parents love us will in some way define the people we mature in to as humans. Author Aaron P. Turner believes that “contributing to their children’s development of perceive acceptance, Parents may contribute to their child positive and negative psychological adjustment.”(185) “Aaron and his colleagues conclude that one important function of perceived acceptance is a contribution to a lasting sense of being unconditionally loved.” (189) this means that children who do not get the acceptance that they seek from their parents, can constitute negative results or views of one ’s self and to others. Research has demonstrated that children with low levels of acceptance are associated with depression, anxiety, and loneliness. The world will continue to be in turmoil because we have so many children and adults that are products of this syndrome. Meaning people tend to loose in site of who they really are just to be accepted by a person. It’s actually like they are losing their purpose in life because people are trying to please one another to avoid or replace the neglect they feel deep down inside from

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