People Should Be Druged Tested to Recieve Welfare

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Angela Hines Successful Strategies January 22, 2014 When thinking about being successful in college there I need strategies to be I need to adopt. These strategies will help me not only be successful in my work but, become a better mentally and academically. The strategies I will adopt are being prepared, time management, paying attention, teamwork and asking for help. The most important strategy to being successful is being prepared in all things. There are several ways to be prepared. Being prepared for school I have to first be prepared to learn. I can be prepared for class with notes, supplies, homework and ready to learn. I can prepare myself to take notes for class by having necessary supplies such as paper, pen and my Bible. I can be prepared by doing my homework on time and having it ready to turn in or review in class. Most importantly, I can be prepared by preparing myself to focus in class. Focusing in class will lead to me excelling in class and achieving my goals. Another strategy to be prepared is using time management. Being able to use time management will allow me to stay organized, staying on time, and finishing assignments in a timely manner turning them in on time. Time management will allow me to get things done on time. Paying attention is another strategy to be successful. In order to pay attention I will need to have enough sleep or rest to function correctly. Paying attention in class I could learn lessons quicker. By learning them quicker I will not be as behind as someone who is not paying attention. Paying attention in class I can learn to be an observant learner which is a good way to learn things. Paying attention in class I can learn things the first time they are taught. Learning things the first time they are taught allows me to store the information in my brain automatically then, I won’t have to struggle to remember

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