Peer Pressure Example

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Peer Pressure One of the things that children from an early age have to deal with until they reach adulthood is peer pressure. This is where they are pressured into either doing, saying or behaving in way that often is not the norm or is different from the way that they were taught by their parents. The need to conform or to fit into a group setting is quite a powerful force which can change behaviours and personalities in quite dramatic ways. Children can display behaviour such as being disobedient, rude, disruptive and other challenging attitudes which can cause parents added distress. There have been a number of instances where peer pressure has resulted in children being bullied or bullying others Often in teenagers this type of behaviour is attributed to hormones or just a part of the puberty process which will soon pass. What should children do Children should choose their friends wisely and not be afraid to say no to or follow others who are naughty. Being popular and being part of the popular group is not as important as being liked for the way you are, the way you dress, carry yourself the way you share and care for others, your manners, the way you speak without swearing is much more attractive than You do not need to need to be a follower, Be a leader You don’t need to steal, swear, fight, be rude If you have friends that do these things stay clear . Your childhood should be a happy time of laughter fun and learning new

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