Peer Pressure Essay

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Peer pressure is something that all of us have experienced at some point in our lives. It has helped to make us who we are and no matter what age a person is, they still want to feel liked and accepted. One type of peer pressure most noticeable and powerful, this is called the direct negative peer pressure. Comments such as “we are all going to go drinking, you are uncool if you don’t”. It is the most difficult to resist because there are immediate consequences such as ridicule, name calling, or being shunned by friends. Indirect negative peer pressure is when a person sees others doing something and feels like they have to do it in order to fit in. No one asks you to do it but you feel as though you have to in order to be accepted. Teenagers have more problems with peer pressure because they are learning to move away from their families and beginning to discover who they are or want to be. But it happens at any age, just look at fashion trends, television shows, video games, etc. these don’t necessarily target teens but as adults in order to fit it, we follow. Peers can be positive and supportive. They can help each other develop new skills, or stimulate interest in books, music or extracurricular activities, AACAP (June 2012). Peer pressure can be a great confidence booster or it can be of great detriment to how a person behaves or rationalizes. Looking at what others do, can help you bring about a positive change in your way of thinking. If you can pick selectively, peer pressure can actually result in a positive change in your way of life, Ivy17S (Oct 2012). Many students become preoccupied with what they and those around them are wearing. There is a constant peer pressure at school to wear something deemed “cool”. One thing that has been studied is school uniforms and their effects on education and behavior. There are conflicting studies on the subject,
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