Peer Pressure Essay

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Basically, the difference between negative and positive peer pressure is the outcome. The reverse of the situation above is negative peer pressure. The situation itself is positive peer pressure. Or is it? What if a teen really doesn't like sports, but pushes himself to do it to please his friends or to be accepted? Peer pressure has a much greater effect on adolescent teens than any other factor. Think about it your teen spends more of his/her waking hours with peers than family members. The interaction is direct, and much more powerful than the influence of teachers and other authority figures. Peer pressure tends to have more of an effect on children with low self esteem. If a childfeels compelled to fit in, the teen may do things that go against his/her beliefs simply to be part of the group. Peer pressure can lead to experimentation with drugs and alcohol, sex, skipping school, and various high risk behaviors. If you notice a sudden change in your child’s appearance, clothing, and attitude, especially if accompanied by secretive behavior, he or she may be succumbing to the influences of peers. You should especially be alert to sudden changes in the friends who make up their core peer group. An unexplained change in the type of friends your child associateswith would indicate that your child is vulnerable to new influences that may not be positive. How can parents who spend far less time with their children than do their peers, have an influence on their teens? Parents need to set clear expectations for behavior, establish rules about communicating where and with whom their teenagers are spending their time, and should pre-set consequences for lying about activities or where they are going.The study habits of students are highly affected by peer pressure. Study habits are the approach on how school works are done and how students budget
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