Patricia Bath Essay

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Did you know that Patricia Era Bath was the first African American women doctor to receive a patent for a medical invention? She was from New York but when this occurred she was in Los Angeles. The invention was laser eye surgery. Laser eye surgery is a correction on your sight so you wouldn’t have to wear glasses or contacts. In this essay, I will be writing about Patricia Bath’s life. Patricia Era Bath was born in New York City on November 4, 1942; Patricia Bath became the first African American to complete a citizenship in ophthalmology in 1973. Her father was Rupert Bath, the first black motorman for the New York City subway system, and her mother was Gladys Bath, a housewife and home worker who used her earnings to save money for her children's education. Bath was pushed by her family to attend and go past school interests in her life. She became the first woman member in the Department of Ophthalmology at UCLA. In 1976, Bath co-founded the American Institute for the Prevention of Blindness. Bath invented the Laserphaco Probe, when the probe came out in1988 she became the first African-American female doctor to get a medical patent. Her idea was advanced it took about five years of research, and development. The probe improved on the surgery that was used to remove cataracts. Cataracts are cloudy blemishes that form in the lens of a person’s eye, and they are most commonly seen in people over the age of sixty. Her parents pushed her to try her best and they used their careers to open her mind to different things for example her father taught her about how great it is to travel and the exploring new cultures. Her mother bought her a chemistry set to get her interested in science. When she was the age of 16 she became one of only a few students to attend a cancer research workshop. Many

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