Old Parenting Interview

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Introduction There is no one way to define family. The definition changes from family to family and individual to individual. With a changing definition of family comes a wide range of beliefs about parenting and what it means to be a “good” parent. I do not believe that there is one person out there who has the same exact parenting beliefs or no one set of parenting techniques that will work for everyone. Every person differs due to their environments and experiences within that environment. I completed two interviews with two separate sets of parents. I will now present you with a summary of the questions asked, a summary of their answers, and an analysis and synthesis of the old parenting research and new parenting research. Interview…show more content…
I asked them to describe the cultural attitudes and beliefs toward child rearing at the time each of their children were born. I also asked who the prominent psychologists and pediatricians were and what advice they were giving about parenting. Ruth and Steve explained that the books they read most were “Dare to Discipline” by Dr. James Dobson and “The Difficult Child” by Stanley Turecki and Leslie Tonner. They also said Dr. Brazelton was the doctor that most women referred to at the time. Ruth went on to say that it was the beginning of the time-out period and spanking was becoming a thing of the past. The advice that both Ruth and Steve agreed with and took on as a parenting technique was the idea of behavior modification and focusing on positive behavior and pinpointing bad behavior versus accusing the child of being…show more content…
However, there were a few individuals who disagreed with the idea of physical punishment and promoted a more nurturing approach. In today’s research it has come to be believed that physical punishment, even its smallest forms, can have harmful and negative effects. Today spanking is becoming more a thing of the past and time-outs or other e, such as reasoning with a child, are becoming the major parenting practice. In the past many individuals believed that you could not reason with children because they lacked the mental capacity. Physical punishment was the only way to get your point across. There is much research into the pros and cons of physical punishment, which can make it confusing for first time parents to decide how they should reward or punish their
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