Paleolthic vs Neolthic

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Thesis 5 October 2013 The people of the Paleolithic and Neolithic era used many things for man to thrive. The Paleolithic and Neolithic eras share the same basic religious, structural, and technological ideas, yet the humans of the Neolithic era made use of this foundation and expanded upon each individual aspect of civilization. These people helped transform the future of man. During the Neolithic era, they picked up certain ways of life style from the Paleolithic age. There were many similarities such as how both eras left behind cave paintings (Paleolithic) and wall paintings (Neolithic). Besides paintings, both civilizations left stone sculptures that they created that are still around today called Venus figurines. Although there were similarities between the two eras, there are also many differences between the two. The Paleolithic were nomads and didn’t have permanent settlements because man had to follow the herds of animals and where they migrated. They hunted wild animals or gather edible products of naturally growing plants. On the other hand, unlike the Paleolithic, the Neolithic discovered agriculture and farmed and were able to have permanent settlements because by agriculture, they were able to farm their own food sources. The types of tools used by each society’s were different. The Nomadic people used weapons made from wood and stone tools that were not sharpened. But during the Neolithic era technology was much more advanced than in the Paleolithic era. They used tools such as knives, axes, hoes and weapons made by heating copper hot enough to melt and pour it into mold, which made it easier to work with. The people of the Old and New Stone Age had many similarities and differences. They both differed in the type of technology they used and how they used it to advance. Although both eras had similarities and differences, they both
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