Pale Green Walls

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English Essay - Pale Green Walls Pale green walls is a short story by Clara Wigfall from 1997. The short story is about the relationship between a child and it´s parents and about upbringing. In this short story, the parents are having problems with understanding Violets view of an Image in a newspaper which leads to big frustrations from both of her parents. The story is also very focused around Christianity. This essay will dig deeper into the story and try to analyze Violet describing how she sees the environment. The main theme in the short story is upbringing. The short story clearly shows the need of love, attention, and understanding from parents to its children. In this case Violet Is dealing with the need of love from Virgin Mary. She is struggling with jealousy in Mary loving another child, and her struggles becomes a frustration for her parents. The priests describes her signs of jealousy as “Very worrying” and none of them really realizes that she’s only just a child and how should she understand what Christianity is about in such an young age. It really shows how important it is not to worry too much when trying to understand your child and instead show her all of the love she in this case defiantly is searching for. All of this really comes down to upbringing and how sometimes you need to let kids be kids. Violet in a very young girl and are going through a state of her childhood where she tries to understand a lot of things. She is mute which affect her relationship with adults but it doesn’t influence her imagination which is very vivid as you see throughout all of the short story. Violet is getting obsessed with Virgin Mary and she describes her obsession like this “You learn a new word and then you begin to her it all the time? It was like that with her” she describes her as the prettiest face she have ever seen and her dress like water in a
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