Pakistani English Vocabulary And Colloquialisms

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"Uncle / Aunty" - Respectful way of addressing anyone who is significantly older than you. "Uncle, please give way." Use of double and triple for numbers occurring twice or three times in succession, especially for a phone number. For example, a phone number 2233344 would be pronounced as double two, triple three, double four. Double roti - bread. Shopper means a shopping bag, rather than a person who is shopping, the latter is referred to as a customer. Opening/closing an object refers to turning something on or off. This is due to the verbs for to open and to close being the same as the verbs for to turn on and to turn off in Urdu and other Pakistani languages. Light Gone— This refers to the electric power outage from the electric supply company. Number — Often used in place of "marks" in an exam (used as both singular and plural without s while speaking in mixed English-Urdu). His/her meter has turned or -is high means that the person has lost his/her temper. Usually used for a sudden outburst, one which is construed as unreasonable. Got no lift—received no attention or assistance from someone. In-Charge— a casual as well as formal title given to unit, group or division heads. Same to same— an expression to indicate something is exactly the same to some other thing. On parade—being at work or at a set activity. Usually (though not always) in the context of starting something for the first time. For example, I have been hired by the company, on parade from next Monday. Out of station—out of town Become a direct Sargent—be promoted out of turn/ given responsibility and authority very early. Often in the context that a person is out of his/her depth. For example, no wonder that team has failed so badly, leader was a direct Sargent. Usually "Sargent" is replaced by "Havildar" the equivalent rank in the Pakistan Army. Also used for upwardly mobile,

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