Painting in Roman Art

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United Arab Emirates United Arab Emirates University College of Humanities and Social Sciences Report about: Panting in Roman art * Introduction: Ancient Rome’s most important historian concerning the arts, recorded that nearly all the forms of art—sculpture, landscape, portrait painting, even genre painting — were advanced in Greek times, and in some cases, more advanced than in Rome. Though very little remains of Greek wall art and portraiture, certainly Greek sculpture and vase painting bears this out. These forms were not likely surpassed by Roman artists in fineness of design or execution. As another example of the lost "Golden Age", he singled out Peiraikos, whose artistry is surpassed by only a very few, He painted barbershops and shoemakers’ stalls, donkeys, vegetables, and such, and for that reason came to be called the 'painter of vulgar subjects'; yet these works are altogether delightful, and they were sold at higher prices than the greatest [paintings] of many other artists. The adjective "vulgar" is used here in its original meaning, which means "common". * Subject: The Ancient Romans lived in a highly visual society, surrounded by images: "It is difficult for us to imagine the delight which the ancients found in pictures halls, verandahs and bowers swarmed with painted doves, peacocks, lions, panthers, fish, cupids, shepherds, sailors, idylls, myths and fairy tales". Of the vast body of Roman painting we now have only a very few pockets of survivals, with many documented types not surviving at all, or doing so only from the very end of the period. The best-known and most important pocket is the wall paintings from Pompeii, Herculaneum and other sites nearby, which show how residents of a wealthy seaside resort decorated their walls in the century or so before the fatal eruption of Mount Vesuvius

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