P4 D2 Essay

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P4 – Explain possible responses when dealing with two particular incidents or emergencies in health or social care setting D2- justify responses to a particular incident or emergency in a health and social care setting. The two incidents I have decided to explain are abuse and fire emergency. Case study 1: within a nursery (play group) there was a child; who is normally jolly and excited, but one day this child seemed very unhappy, distraught and upset; he was looking very tearful. I tried to get him to play with the other children but he kept refusing to do so, he shut his self from everyone in the room, he distanced himself by sitting much further away. I started to believe that he may be feeling unwell but this was not the case. I let her sit alone for around 15 minutes; her gaze seemed harder and more troubled as she sat looking very down. My concern widened. I then asked “are you feeling okay? What’s wrong?... your never refuse to play in the garden with your friends”. I tried many times to get even a few words from her but she didn’t seem to want to interact and she didn’t respond to me at all. She took a glance at me and shook her head then hid her face away in her hands and knees. She said his shoulders where hurting. I then asked a member of staff to check her over; when she did she found deep, darkly marked finger prints. She asked her how she got these marks. She didn’t respond, she was afraid of the consequences of telling. The staff member assured her comfort and safety and this allowed her to express her feelings and emotions. Finally she replied “Daddy shakes me”. This is the case of a 4 year old suffering abuse from her father. Response: the teacher can blatantly recognize this as abuse. If a child distances him/herself away from everyone else and is refusing to interact, take part or communicate with anyone, this simply implies that the child
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