Own Titanic Story

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My Titanic story I was in my home country to pay a visit to my grand mother this summer. While I was there I went to a lot of exciting places but the most thrilling part of the trip was hearing my grand mother ’s stories. She would tell all kinds of stories whether it was fiction or real etc. there was one story in particular that she told me it was about her mother surviving an accident. This accident took place a long time ago she also mentioned that it was about a ship going down in the sea. It all began with her mother (Muji) always nagging to her parents to take her on a cruise (keep in mind that she was only 9 during the event). In the end her parents took her to a cruise in a big ship called the S.S.R VOYAGE and it was on its maiden voyage but little did they that this would change their lives. Once they were on the ship Muji couldn’t stop being excited after they had settled in their room she asked her mom if she could go look around the ship her mom told her ok but be back after 20 min, Muji ran off before her mother could even finish the sentence. My grand mother told me that Muji was always a hasty girl even in her old day she would take actions without thinking but that’s what made her special. Muji was at the deck watching the sea while the cruise was going in to the sunset. When she went back to the corridor where her room was at she met a crewmen of the ship he was called Main. Main asked her why she out alone in the corridor Muji told him that she wanted to explore the ship but Main told her that it was getting late so he took her back to her room just because of that Muji did not like Main, this was ignorant her because later on it would be Main that would save her life but who could blame her she was only 9 years old at that time. Later that night while everyone was sleeping Muji couldn’t so she went up to the deck. On her way up she
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