Overpaid Athletes Essay

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Overpaid Athletes Athletes are being highly overpaid for the jobs they have. This is a simple fact. Nobody should make millions of dollars to play a game or compete in a competition. Not to mention the money from endorsements that some athletes get. With athletes getting paid millions of dollars some parents will push their kids to become professional athletes and cause them to even dislike the particular sport they were pushed in just because their parents were thoughtless of the child’s needs. Also, with the amount of money athletes get it causes many people to push their body and even use illegal steroids in search of becoming a professional. However, there are some positives to athletes and possible reasons why they are paid as much as they are. There are several side effects to pushing a kid too hard in sports. Low self esteem from not feeling as though they are good enough, stress from all the high expectations, and a serious impact on physical health from all the exercise and pro hormones can even cause your organs to even shut down. However, even with these risks parents push their kids to become great athletes. According to an academics and sports psychologist there were roughly twenty-five million American kids between six and sixteen who played in some type of sport and of those kids roughly four million went to the hospital for some type of sports injury and another eight million went to a family physician. Another study showed that nearly one-third of sports injuries happen to kids between five and fourteen. These shocking statistics show just how many parents are willing to push their kids to reach so called fame. Not realizing what they are doing to their child in the process. If athletes were paid closer to what most Americans make then the statistics for these child injuries and being overly pushed in sports would be much lower. Athletes
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