Overlapping Identities of People

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Overlapping Identities of People People’s lives are composed of their different identities and roles. Whenever you are doing something, you are living your life as a certain identity or roles. Thus, I chose to look at what the characters’ roles and identities are in the texts we had for our class. When I lay out the different identities and roles these characters have, I realize that here are three ways I can use to analyze them. First, I look at different roles and identities in person. Among all the identities, which one he or she values the most and why? What cause he or she to develop different roles of identities? For example, in Mildred Pierce, Mildred’s identity as a businesswomen is to a large extent due to her identities as a mother and a divorced woman. These connections among these identities are worth looking at because they reveals the struggles of characters. Second, I look at similar identities of people in completely different environments. People from different communities and classes always have similar roles, however, they have different experience with these similar roles due to the different environments they are in. Moreover, sometimes when people are in exactly the same environment and have the same born-with identities, they value their identities differently. What are the reasons for these similarities and differences? Third, people in LA sometimes all have a same identity when they view them on the perspective of the whole city. They are all a gold digger in this city of dreams. Do these universal identities reveal common characteristics of people in this city? To answer my questions, here are my ten quotes: 1.Mildred Pierce Chapter 5, page 87 She went over, knelt down, put her arms around the child, hugged her passionately. “You were right, darling, and I was wrong. No matter what I say, no matter what anybody says, never give up

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