Outline Principles That Define the Socio-Cultural Level of Analysis.

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Learning Outcome: • Outline principles that define the socio-cultural level of analysis. (Describe, anaylse, explain). • Explain how principles that define the socio-cultural levels of analysis may ne demonstrated in research (that is, theories and/or studies). (Outline, describe, analyse). Principle Smash Plan: (20 minutes) 1) State 2/3 principles from Socio-cultural level of analysis 2) Explain the principles (using examples) 3) Linking the principle to relevant research (making sure you relate back to how this demonstrates the principle). Principles: 1) Humans are social animals and we have a basic need to belong (we need people around us to survive – confidence, encouragement, support). – Howarth (2002) - Focus Group (Method used) - Brixton, London (Girls) - Positive view about being from Brixton - Non-Brixton residence - Negative view about Brixton 2) Culture influences behavior (culture has certain value, dictates how we live). – Bond & Smith (1996) - Replication of Asch;s experiment - Meta-analysis - 133 studies that took place in 17 different countries - Higher levels of conformity with collectivist - Lower levels of individualists 3) Because humans are social animals, they have social self (personal identity – they are who they are. Social connections with people and event even though they don’t know about them). – Tajfel & Turner (1979) - Social Identity Theory (S.I.T) - Creates in-groups and out-groups - Due to comparison we make to maintain our self-concept - Part of being a social self - In-group = positive distinctiveness – positive in our favour - Out-group = negative side – how do you maintain this - 4) People’s views of the world are resistant to change

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