Outline and Evaluate One Social Psychological Theory of Aggression

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Social learning theory originated from the work of Gabriel Tarde who argued that key characteristics of imitation were the behaviour of role models, the copying of behaviour of those of a higher status, the degree of contact with role models and the degree of understanding of the behaviour. Bandura thought that social learning theory had four main processes: attention, retention, reproduction and motivation and that the central part of these processes was the presence of a role model from whom behaviour would be copied. Vicarious reinforcement was important as if the role model was reinforced for a certain act of aggression it is more likely that the behaviour would be copied. Mental representation is also important as whether or not the aggressive behaviour would be copied could rely on this. Some evidence for this theory is by Bandura, who found that children imitated very precisely role models who displayed aggressive behaviour towards a Bobo Doll. Furthermore, he found that children were more likely to imitate the same sex role model. However, there were some methodological limitations with the way in which this was investigated such as the possibility of the children who took part in the study not behaving in the same way that they would have in a real life situation. So, while the research provides some evidence for the theory, it is not conclusive that aggressive behaviour is always learned vicariously. This theory is also reductionist as there may be other viable explanations for aggression such as biological causes. In some cases the role of hormones and neurotransmitters may provide a better explanation for aggressive behaviour and can explain why some individuals engage in aggression without having paid attention to a role model. Furthermore, the idea that children passively observe and imitate aggressive behaviour is somewhat deterministic. However, it
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