Outline and Evaluate One or More Social Psychological Theory of Aggression

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Outline and evaluate one or more social psychological theory of aggression Social psychological theories, such as social learning theory and deindividuation, propose that the causes of aggression comes from our interactions with others. According to social learning theory, aggressive behaviour is learned either through direct experience or by vicarious experience. Learning by direct experience is derived from Skinner's principles of operant conditioning. It is when you act in an aggressive manor and, as a result, get rewarded for it. The reward acts as reinforcement, therefore you are more likely to act like this again in a similar situation. Learning by vicarious experience occurs when you observe a role model being rewarded for behaving in an aggressive way, then you imitate the behaviour of that model. One of the key psychologists in social psychology, Albert Bandura, suggests that there are four basic processes in the modelling process: attention, how much you concentrate on the model showing the behaviour, retention, storing the behaviour you witnessed, reproduction, copying the behaviour you witnessed, and motivation, having a good reason for showing the witnessed behaviour. Bandura (1963) conducted the Bobo Doll experiment to investigate whether aggressive behaviour can be learnt through reinforcement and punishment. Bandura divided 66 nursery school children into three groups. All three groups watched a film where an adult model behaved aggressively (kicking and punching) towards a Bobo doll, accompanying this with aggressive comments. In group 1 the aggressive model was neither rewarded nor punished, in group 2 the aggressive model was rewarded by another adult and in group 3 the aggressive model was punished by another adult. After watching the film, each child was observed playing with the Bobo doll and other toys, and all aggressive behaviour was
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