Outline and Evaluate One Alternative to the Levels of Processing Model of Memory (12 Marks)

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The multi-store model of memory was proposed by Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968, 1971). It describes memory in three stores unlike the Levels of Processing model (LOP) which is built on the perception that memory has three levels of processing information. The three stores of memory are classified as sensory, short term and long term. Sensory holds information long enough to work out the importance of the information, short term memory holds only seven fragments of information but these pieces of information last only 15-20 seconds without rehearsal while long term memory may have an unlimited capacity and limited information can makes its way into the long term memory store. For information to be moved from one store to the other in the multi-store model of memory, it is believed a substantial amount of rehearsal is needed especially if the goal is for the information to be stored in long term memory. Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968, 1971) believe that if a part of this process is damaged the whole process will be damaged thereby making it hard to retrieve and recall memories. An example of this is Clive Wearing, who is an important case study for this model of memory. After suffering from an illness, doctors found that his hippocampus was damaged. The hippocampus is an important part of the brain that is used for creating memories. Clive was only able to remember his wife, but could play the piano. He became a man trapped in the present being unable to create new memories and unable to recall the past. He could barely remember what was in his sensory store and it was argued was that he had a seven- second memory. This case study proves that if a part in the memory (here the short term) is damaged, no new memories can be made because of lack of rehearsal. An experiment done by Glanzer and Cunitz (1966) also proved this model to be correct, and this evidence was considered

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