Our Generation Today

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Our Generation Today Our generation today describes the meaning of disgrace. As the years progress instead of getting better and understanding what we are supposed to be appreciating, we fail as da days of our lives go by and we show the disrespect we have towards one another and to our own self. How do you start to respect others when you don’t even know how to respect your own self? One of the situations that changed immediately (and continue to progress) is the way women change now into their clothing and their styles. As each generation grows differently so does the way we tend to disrespect our bodies on the way we dispose ourselves to others by not respecting it. In the past there was no such thing as fashion brands that came up with different styling ideas to have every women buying and buying with credit card and exposing much more of their bodies to the world, instead they had long beautiful dresses that covered their legs and showed the symbolization of being a lady. The dresses were used differently but no matter what they did they used some type of dress and besides of the night women, being a lady in the past was considered being respectful as their own generation. Getting pregnant had lower rating s than the ratings compared to now…only because the women didn’t show much as they do when they dare themselves to dress in one way. Male guys would usually wear pants and nice shirts and for certain Today, this generation has no answers to get when we have questions, because of how bad it is now. Women now have fashion brands, clothes, and the way they expose their bodies to guys completely disrespects their famine. Miniskirts, tank tops, low cut shirts and different types of low cut dresses is what this generation now wears. Women party with dresses so short, even go to school with shirts that dispose the private areas of women. Guys are not as bad as
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