Organizational Development in Pz Nigeria Plc

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ORGANIZATIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN PZ CUSSONS NIGERIA PZ Cussons Nigeria Plc is the largest subsidiary of PZ Cussons, has enjoyed tremendous business success in Nigeria for over a century. PZ approach to Nigeria environment, customers, consumers and business is designed to sustain the company far into the future. PZ Cussons prime business objective in Nigeria is sustainable and profitable growth and the drive to be world-class in every aspect of business life will be relentless. To achieve this, the company have adopted a Strategic Business Unit (SBU) structure, in which each SBU has clear focus on its markets; developing a deep understanding of the needs and aspirations of its consumers and the dynamics of the marketplace, which it can exploit to deliver its objectives. PZ Cussons business policies, systems and actions (procedures and processes, corporate and personal ethics, corporate image, employee development, equality of opportunity, remuneration, services provided to distributors etc) are harmonized betthe companyen all our SBUs, ensuring the sharing of best practice and operational synergies. By combining financial strength and the commercial acumen encouraged at all levels amongst people, the company is positioning to seize profitable new opportunities within chosen sectors. PZ Cussons firmly believed that people are the company’s greatest asset. The company strived for world-class standards in every aspect of the enterprise, employees are encouraged to manage and delegate appropriately, to accept responsibility and to recognise that they are both empowered to act and accountable for their actions. PZ Cussons long term people development programme has the clear objective to improve the quality of management resource both by development from within and by external recruitment. Exactly in line with the policy of the company’s parent Group, PZ Cussons commitment is

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