Organic Food Essay

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Organic agriculture involves producing foods without relying on the use of fertilizers and pesticides .In addition such foods do not rely on chemical additives nor genetically modified organisms and are naturally produced( Thompson, 1998). Organic farming main objective is to avail authentic food to the consumer while respecting the natural lifecycle. This form of agriculture is guided by various principles whose main aim is to ensure sustainable production. Firstly is the principle of health hat requires organic farmers to be sustainable in enhancing soil, plant, animal and human health while ensuring the wholeness of the planet. Secondly is the fact that organic agriculture should be guided by the principle of ecology that seeks for sustainable ecological schemes .Organic farming utilizes the principle of fairness meaning that through such form of agriculture the environment and the life opportunities are unified(Gangley, 2008). Lastly, is the principle of care through which precautionary measures and that are accountability for continual protection of the human health is achieved. The omnivore’s dilemma is concerned with the association between humans and the food they eat. This form of dilemma has been explored by Pollan in his book “The Omnivore’s Dilemma” Michael Pollan went on a hunting journey looking for wild animals and plants but his dilemma was whether to continue taking meat or not .According to Pollan eating should be respected as it is defined by our culture and values in the society. His argument is that mankind has spoilt the organic agriculture and has started using chemicals in food manufactory .The use of fertilizes and pesticides has polluted soils and chemicals are being absorbed by plants and being passed over to humans.Similary farmers are using chemicals in rearing livestock and chicken and this has led to intake of chemicals

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