Organ Donation Essay

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Title : Perspective of MMU Melaka Students On Organ Donation | Subject: Workplace Communication ( PWC1010 ) Lecturer: Mr. Ahmad Rizal bin Selamat Group : EM216 Name | ID | Job Assignment | Kelvin Chen Yao Ken (Leader) | 1121117578 | Abstract, Acknowledgement, Findings, Conclusion, and Recommendation | Hi Sue Yin | 1102700431 | Introduction and Findings | Inthiran a/l Mohan | 1121118195 | Introduction and Findings | Harrykrishna a/l Ravichandran | 1121118287 | Introduction and Findings | Sara Haghighi | 1101109102 | Introduction and Findings | Mhnd Mustafa | 1101110071 | Introduction and Findings | Abstract The research conducted is regarding the opinion of MMU Melaka student towards organ donation. The objectives for this research are to gauge the view of students on the act of organ donating and the possibility of them becoming organ donors themselves, as well as to raise awareness on the benefits of organ donation. We carried out the research by means of surveys. Some major findings from the surveys include the relationship between gender and the student’s opinion on organ donation, how family income affect their decision on organ donation, and what factor holds the greatest importance when they donate an organ. Other than that, our findings also include gauging of knowledge of students in the matter of organ donations. From all the findings, we concluded that students will consider donating organ, though not immediately. We also came to the realization that students of MMU Melaka are not knowledgeable in certain areas regarding organ donations. Hence, we recommend the university to hold seminars and invite qualified speakers to educate students further on the field of organ donation. By doing so, students are able to see the advantages of organ donation and the number of organ donors might increase. Acknowledgement
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