Operant Conditioning Essay

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Operant Conditioning Brandy Clements PSY/390 July 16, 2012 Karen Wilson Human behavior has been studied for many years. The theories of conditioning have been taught and discussed from the beginning. Operant conditioning was created by B. F. Skinner. Skinner’s method changed the perspective on behavior modification. Operant conditioning uses negative and positive reinforcements to modify the behavior of individuals until the desired outcome is produced. Operant conditioning is used daily in many lives. The behavior many toddlers exhibit can be modified and taught through the use of operant conditioning. Operant Conditioning Theory Operant conditioning, also referred to as instrumental conditioning, is a method used in behavior modification (Cherry, 2010). In this method of behavior modification, an operant uses a stimulus, an operant response, and a reinforcer. These three objects combined effect the chance of the behavior recurring. B.F. Skinner created the theory of operant conditioning. Operant conditioning is established on produced behavior or operant behavior; whereas, behavior provoked by a known stimulus is known as respondent behavior (Hergenhahn & Olson, 2009). The general idea behind Skinner’s operant conditioning is that when naturally occurring behavior is exhibited, positive or negative reinforcement can escalate the chances of that particular behavior to occur repeatedly. There are two types of reinforcers involved in operant conditioning: a generalized reinforcer and a secondary reinforcer. A secondary reinforce is created after operant discriminate stimuli. During the behavior modification, if reinforcement is discontinued extinction will occur. Extinction is the termination of the reinforcement of an operant that leads to previously exhibited behavior. Operant conditioning involves three intricate elements: positive reinforcement,
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