Online vs Traditional Class

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ONLINE EDUCATION vs. TRADITIONAL EDUCATION In the history of education, the traditional education system is the most practiced and preferred mode of education system and continues to be so irrespective of all other modes of education such as modern education and online education that technology has made possible today. Today obtaining a good sustainable job has made degrees an absolute need. Technological advancement has made online degrees highly competitive and qualitative with the traditional modes of learning. We can clearly see the transition from a traditional education system to an online education system in our present world. How are you currently taking this course? Where are you sitting right now? You are probably not in classroom. In fact, you are probably home from work, on a couch in the comfort of your living room. This is a sight very different from someone taking a course in a traditional model of education. But how is online education an improvement from the traditional education model? Though traditional mode of education is being widely followed it also carries certain disadvantages that make it not the most effective method in terms of real learning. It makes the student’s learning process more extrinsic and authoritative which is based more on standard tests and ranking and does not enable one to actually attain the real learning that is more intrinsic and sustainable. Students in the traditional system do not have their freedom in choosing goals, curriculum, or method of working. Students are more focused on complementing assignments and to get the degree rather that to gain the real value learning. The traditional system does not allow the flexibility in time management. Students input on teaching methods and their interaction and discussions with fellow students are limited in traditional system of education which also in a way
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