on the sublime

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Longinus On the Sublime In this essay the meaning of sublime, in the essay On the Sublimey , will be explained. In order to explain the meaning of sublime in this essay, Longinus orders his idea as follow; First, in chapter I, Longinus defines the ‘sublime’in literature as a “certain distinction and excellence in language”. Heargues that “it is from no other source than this that the greatest poets and writers have derived their eminence and gained an immortality of renown”. He argues that the "elevated language" of the sublime aims to cast a spell over the audience, not merely persuading but transporting the audience in an enthralling and delightful manner to the conclusion desired by the writer. So what we have seems to boil down to this: good writing partakes of the sublime, and the sublime is comprised of elevated language which takes the audience out of itself and into someplace the writer has in mind. This is still somewhat nebulous, but it gets clearer along the way. Second, in chapter III, Longinus identifies three faults to avoid on the quest for sublimity. 1) Tumidity;2) Puerility; and3) Parenthyrsus. Tumidity comes of trying to outdo the sublime. Puerility leads to affections. Parenthyrsus is the expression of false, empty, or out-of-place passion, a kind of mawkish, tear-jerker sentimentality of the lowest-common-denominator sort. Third, in chapters VI and VII, Longinus states a solution to avoid such faults. He suggests that to avoid that fault, the poet needs a clear knowledge of what true sublime is. In his opinion, the true sublime, lifts up the souls of the readers or the hearers and makes them filled with joy and pride, as if they had themselves originated the ideas which we read or hear. It will produce a lasting and repeated effect on a man who is well-versed in literature and this effect will be irresistible. He broadens his definition
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