Old Age Home

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Are Old Age Homes the In-Thing Today? Shail Raghuvanshi ♦ July 27, 2010 ♦ 42 Comments Going by today’s standards, old age homes are not scandalous any more! What was once considered as an unimaginable thought or action is now a most convenient reality. More and more people are thinking of and many are opting to put their aged parents in old age homes. It just seems the right thing to do, leaving couples free to pursue their careers, party around or go for vacations without the nagging thought of an aged parent at home. People favoring old age homes justify their decisions with several points. They say that the presence of old parents at home is too much trouble. There is no room for privacy. They have to constantly tend to them when they are sick. Bringing friends home becomes embarrassing. Going on a holiday becomes an impossible reality. Oof! So many problems just to have elderly parents around! But all justifications fall flat when we realize that the old parents we are talking about as ‘problems’ are the very people who took care of us whenever we fell sick. These people sacrificed outings, friends and vacations only to make us feel happy, wanted and part of the family. They did not ponder much about lack of privacy whenever we barged into their romantic rendezvous. They did it all for Us! Is this how we pay back? By dumping them in old age homes? Okay, times have changed. Now, both parents might have to work to run the home. Maybe, we don’t want to miss out on our promotions. After all, the money from that promotion will also be used to give parents a ‘better old age home!!’ And now-a-days, old age homes are all spruced up like hotels with all facilities including medicine and entertainment readily available. Fine, but pray tell me, if we have the time to party, if we have the time to watch television can we not find a little time for our parents at
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