Oil and Gas Industry Case Analysis

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Case #2 ‐ ‐ The Oil & G Gas Industry Introduction According to corpora ate strategist Michael Po orter, the ab bundance of resources c can generate e waste; w whereas, scar rcity can gen nerate innov vation. The a acquisition o of new areas where oil and gas can b be discovere ed will also create capital and investm ments into t technology infrastructur re. These co onditions truly create a c competitive advantage t o the large c corporations s with seemingly unlimited d cash flows. Five Forc ces Framewo ork The threa at of new en ntry is minim mal. Most of these barriers t to entry are related to e economies of f scale, patented technology, and increasing c capital costs. Ad dditionally, it t is difficult f for new entr ry into the mark ket because fixed costs a are large. The level l of competit tion or rivalr ry in the oil a and gas indu ustry is very high becaus se it is a commodity centered d marketplac ce. The main n players are e BP, Chevro on, Exxon Mo obil, Shell, an nd Conoco P Phillips. Com mpetitive adv vantages are e surrounded d on operati ional efficien ncies, and be eing able to keep those co osts to a min nimum. Suppliers s in this indu ustry are the mining and extraction f firms. Exxon n Mobil is one of the mai in suppliers s, and has a l large influen nce on oil prices. Becaus se they purchase oil on t the open ma arket, OPEC’s in nfluence on oil prices is a legitimate threat. The oil and gas industry buy yers are industrial and individ dual consum mers. This env vironment m means that w when the suppliers can limit er is low. As the price of energy cont tinues to inc crease the the supplies, the industrial powe al power rem mains low. individua Substitut tes Oil and g gas companie es have a relatively low risk of comp petition from m substitutes s. Over the n next five to te en years, sub bstitute ener
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