Oedipus The King

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The anthology noted that “ literary tragedy presents courageous individuals who confront powerful forces within or outside themselves with a dignity that reveals the breadth and depth of human spirit in the face of failure, defeat, and even death.” There are two tragic heroes that comes to mind, they’re Oedipus and Othello. There are two similiarties that Oedipus and Othello shared is that they are viewed as men in charge and their passionate love for their family. Their one difference Is the fate they go on to face. The first similarity that both Oedipus and Othello shared as tragic heroes is they’re viewed as two men in charge. In Oedipus’ tragedy, he happens to be the King of Thebas. As for Othello’s tragedy, he appears to be army man that becomes a general and is sent to Cbyrus. There are two examples that showed Oedipus and Othello viewed as two men in charge. The first example, is when Oedipus went onto the crossroads and came back to his people as apowerful figure so they praise him to be his king. The second example, is when a brawl was insitigated by the antagonist Iago. Othello then appears. He saw Cassio as the main attraction of the brawl, went up to him and slapped him because of his actions because Cassio was chosen by Othello to be his Liutientant. Both of these examples showed these tragic heroes their view as men in charge. The next similarity both Oedipus and Othello shared is their passionate love for their family. Oedipus loved and cared for his family despite what the blind prophet had foretell him of his fate but he didn’t care for his own sake. As for Othello, he loved his wife Desdemona so much and he was so passionate about it too. There are two examples that showed Oedipus and Othello their passionate love for their family. The first example, the ending of Oedipus the King was when Oedipus was kneel to the ground and ashamed in the
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