Nvq3 Health and Safety Ct308

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CT308 1.1 There are a number of legislations relating to Health and Safety these include Health and Safety at Work Act COSHH – Control of Substance Hazardous to Health Manual Handling Operations Regulations RIDDOR – The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations Personal Protective equipment Regulations 1.2 Policies and Procedures protect those by identifying significant risks and putting controlled measures in place to ensure agreed ways of working. 1.3 The responsibilities of a Social Worker include Take reasonable care for themselves and others' health and safety To report to their employer any potential and actual risks/hazards To understand and comply with health and safety instructions and procedures Take part in health and safety training The responsibilities of the employer or manager include To provide a safe place of work Assess risks and take actions to reduce these To provide information, training and supervision To provide adequate welfare and first aid facilities The responsibilities of Others include Comply with health and safety instructions, policies and procedures Take reasonable care of themselves and others' safety 1.4 Situations which the responsibility of health and safety lies with the individual when the individual does not comply with assessments and procedures. They do not take reasonable care of their own or others' safety. 1.5 Specific tasks should be carried out only with special training to ensure Legislation is complied with To practice safely and correctly To minimise the consequences of injury and illness To treat injuries and illnesses effectively 1.6 Additional support and information can be assessed by Talking to a health and safety appointed person Teamleader/Manager Health and Safety Executive Environmental Health 2.1 It is important to assess

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