Nvq Qcf Level 3 My Working Day Dignity Divercity and Inclusion

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My working day My day at work starts by arrriving and signing in and going to a handover. In handover we are told whats been happening over night or if anything significant has happened that we need to know regarding students as it can affect their behavior and care next day. Senior staff always check that everyone is familiar with fire procedure (what to do incase there is a fire) and safeguarding procedure. Training for both of these is given at the beginning of employment. Safeguarding procedure is in place to protect all students from any kind of risk or harm. Information I get in handover is important as it help s me in the way how to approach student and what to be aware of. Allocations are given and I get a student allocated to me who I will help that morning. Once I find out what student I am assisting, I will go and find out their routine on, computer system where is all information about each student such as personal care, manual handling, medication and any requirements each student needs. I need to familiarize myself with student’s YPP to ensure I am enabling independence. Once I have done this I will go and wake the student up. I assist student out of bed and help with personal care. All students have different support as turn tables or hoists. To be able to do this I had to complete manual handling training. When assisting with personal care I always wash my hands and use protective equipment and I put on protective apron and gloves, change the protective equipment between different stages of personal care, such as when helping with toileting I would disgard of the used aprons and gloves into brown bag and put into appropriate bin, wash my hands put clean apron and gloves on and go on to another tasks such as dressing or showering. Always wash hands when finish assisting one student and always wash hands and put clean protective equipment on

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