Nurse as a Healer

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FINAL PAPER: Nurse as a Healer This course was not easy for me. It required me to do a lot of inward thinking, something I am not used to doing. I questioned my beliefs, my upbringing, and my thinking in general. When this class started, I told myself I was going into this open minded, I wanted to learn about new things, and I was not going to judge what I heard. This final paper is to be an accumulation of this course and my feelings. And after only 5 weeks of classes, I wasn’t sure how much changing I was going to be able to accomplish after a long history of bad habits.
The first section describes my personal nursing philosophy and how it is congruent with holistic nursing. My philosophy of nursing is pretty basic; it is an art and a science. I am very science, or fact, oriented. I am a hard core believer in facts, statistics, and plain “proof” that something works or doesn’t work. An evidence based practice guides my teaching and patient care. In my opinion, numbers don’t lie. Healing, in my philosophy, is a holistic approach. The entire mind and body, spirit and physical body, the wholeness of an individual, must be addressed to aid in healing. Many newer nurses are being taught the importance of the whole person versus nurses from just a few years ago. The reality of treating the mind, body, and soul is just now starting to gather steam. This philosophy aids itself rather well to preventative care. By keeping the wholeness of the individual, it provides a type of power to the patient. They are taught how to maintain their health and wellbeing, to strengthen both their physical body and their spiritual body. This additional knowledge and sense of wholeness allows the patient to play an integral part in choosing a healthier new lifestyle, care at home, medications, possibly pain control as well as palliative comfort measures if necessary. It does no good to
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