Nuclear Family Essay

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“Assess the view that the Nuclear family functions to benefit all its members and society as a whole” It can be argued that the dynamics and functions of a nuclear family help to benefit the members within the family, as well as society, as it is decreasing the amount of delinquents that are currently in society, meanwhile ensuring that young children are having an appropriate environment to live in, which is supposedly a stable home, consisting of a mother and a father. On the other hand, it could also be suggested that nuclear family functions does not benefit, or in fact have an impact, on the members of the family, along with society. This could be due to the belief that nuclear families only have any beneficial factors to men, therefore meaning that it only benefits a limited amount of people within society. This statement could be seen as incorrect, as a nuclear families functions can be argued to be supporting capitalism, which is not what is greatly respected within society. Marxist feminist David Cooper states that the functions of a nuclear family creates false class consciousness for their children, which is not how they should be brought up. Cooper insinuates that nuclear families teach their children to conform and submit to authority, which means they are teaching them to respect people who are seen as superior to them, as well as introducing the radical feminist belief about nuclear families, which insinuates that they only raise their children to believe in patriarchal ideology, therefore it will continue onto future generations. It is argued that this is not a good way to raise a child, as it is teaching them the aspects of inequality, which is what Marxists are trying to get rid of. However, Marxists do agree that family members benefit from the functions of a nuclear family, as men are seen to be benefiting from the expense of women, due to
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