Note on Experiential & Integrated Learning

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Lets start with status check on ourselves 1. Are we expecting children should learning a skill / colour (say a shape)? 2. Are we intending learning a concept? Are we overtly or covertly teaching the concept or skill? 3. Are we measuring our success by the fruits? 4. Are we sub-consciously becoming objective driven? A metaphor of cooking: 1 Some parents force children to eat a certain type and a certain quantity of food. 2 Some parents want & wish that children eat a certain type and a certain quantity of food. 3 Some parents just cook & serve a rich and varied mix of food and then leave it to the child to decide what and how much to eat. Integrated learning works on the third principle shown above. We neither force nor intend a learning. We just layer our activities with so many rich layers of varied environmental features, experiences, experiments, explorations and exchanges (interactions) - THATS IT - these five Es This obviously needs to be inititaited at the design level and then extended to LIVE opportunities at classroom level. A broad guide - to initiate integration (at) with an example of activity of making nimbu pani ~ experiences level use MI - body shake like how i stir water, taste nimbu and sugar, two children stir together, keep nimbu-pani in mouth but not gulp it down for a count of say 20, music while stirring - stir with sound - stir without sound, giving words to situations created - say what will you call a squashed nimbu, spilled sugar, water rotating in glass upon stirring etc ~ experiments and explorations -- use tools, mediums, resources - tactile - brim of glass - same as or diff as brim of half lemon ; measuring using different width glasses, different ways of squeezing - using thumb and palm, only fingers, elbow joint, door hinge - i guess there could be 250 ways of squeezing
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