Non-Verbal Communication Essay

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Why did I choose this topic? I choose this topic, because I want to all people know the different culture between Indonesia and some countries that sometimes can be misunderstood with the other people. As we know, when someone wants going to study abroad, they have to study first the culture or the customs of the country. For example, the differences in communication, both verbal and non-verbal communication. Because, if they do not study about it, it can makes them confused and also can make misunderstanding. Not only misunderstanding but also can make embarrassment. Therefore, not only verbal but also non-verbal communication is very important for learned. If you fail to read and de-code non-verbal messages, you set yourself up for constant misunderstandings and various communication problems. According to Albert Mehrabian found the effect from message is about 7 percent only used verbal communication or words and 93 percent are used non verbal communication include voce or paralanguage (intonation and volume). One research also has done in United States, almost 93 percent from message was showed by the intonation of voice and facial expressions. Only 7 percent, from the lecture attitude was explained by words. Therefore, we express our attitude and emotional by using non-verbal instead of verbal. Every day we use non-verbal communication to communicate with some people and sometimes we combine with verbal communication. People can interpretation our expressions from our faces. Only looking our faces, they can guest, what happened with us. For example sad, angry, happy, confused, or lie. If you are lazy for answering a question, you can use this language, such as if you want to say “No,” you can shake your head. Another advantage of non-verbal communication is can be used for paralyzed people in order to communicate with normal people. Non verbal
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