Nobou Uematsu - Concert Report

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Joseph Lee Concert Report – Nobuo Uematsu; Distant Worlds The first concert I attended was the San Diego Symphony’s take on Nobuo Uematsu’s “Distant Worlds”, modern music written in a classical manner that is used in a fantasy series of role playing games. The concert took place in the Embarcadero Marina Park theatre, which was completely full. The concert sold out, and people had to improvise seating, I was lucky enough to have paid for a decent seat, about 100 feet from the stage. The composer, Nobuo Uematsu himself was introduced by a man I wasn’t familiar with and stepped on stage to introduce the orchestra and give a brief introduction of the concert and history. The men wore Tuxedo’s and the woman black dresses. The conductor, Grammy Award winner Arnie Roth stepped on stage and had the orchestra tune. He then introduced the first song. I found this odd as I thought the conductor would introduce more about the songs he was conducting throughout the entire concert; however, he only introduced the first song, and some information about it. I was drawn to this concert for two main reasons. First being that I am a fan of Nobuo Uemtasu’s work, and his modernized take on music with a classic sound, and second that the songs provided a background for the game they were made for. The game series of games entitled “Final Fantasy” are all story centric and the music does just as good of a job telling the story as the writing does, crossing the concert into theatre through the recorded animations onscreen during the concert. There are multiple plots as it covers different additions to the series, however the songs played the day I went focused on the eight of the series. The plot involves a young man sheltered by society thrown into the hands of fate, being led to throw down an empress consumed by power, all set in a fantasy world of love, betrayal, and magic.

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