Essay About African Community

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“No man is an island”, this phrase I believe defines the sense of a community. Whether we like it or not, we all belong to a community of some sort. As a whole we are all part of a community of human beings, with a common interest of surviving. Of course this large community can be broken down into much smaller groups based on various aspects; from height, to occupation, to race etc. As a result of having several communities, perhaps due to our diverse nature, we usually can identify more than one that we feel we belong to. For me, the most important and perhaps the one that makes me who I am is the African community. It is hard to define the word community in African culture and in most indigenous languages, it does not even exist. When talking about any group of people, who live in the same area or have common backgrounds and interests, the only word…show more content…
Our shared background and opinions created a strong bond between us and we made it our duty to assimilate every new African student into our community. We definitely used to stand out in a crowd and were often the loudest students but we did not mind or care because we had each other’s support and looked out for each other which were a necessity in a predominantly British school. It was only towards the end of my final year, that I realized that I was once again being limited to a single community, but this time I was doing it intentionally. Brussels is the center of the European Union, therefore, is a hugely diverse city. I made it my goal to make the most of this diversity and joined a dance class, took French lessons and participated in school charity events. This immediately made me a part of several communities and helped me discover interests and talents which I did not even know I

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