Newtons Second Law

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Newton’s Second Law of Motion: Simple Atwood’s Machine Joseph Angelo B. Chiu BS IT – 1 Pilot H1/M3 Cebu Institute of Technology ABSTRACT This paper deals about relationship between force and acceleration in a simple dynamical system. The purpose of this study is to verify Newton’s second law of motion and to measure the acceleration due to gravity. The procedures in this experiment involve mounting the pulley on one end of the linear track apparatus. To the PASCAR another end of the string was attached and the other to the weight hanger passing through the pulley. While holding the cart, 10g was transferred from the cart to the hanger. With the computer, the value of acceleration was displayed on the graph. Steps were then repeated and weight was increased by 5g, then 10g, 15g, 20g and 30g. Acceleration value was then recorded. On this experiment, we have concluded that surface will be a great factor on the acceleration of the object. 1.0 INTRODUCTION Newton’s second law of motion has three physical laws, which provide relationships between the forces acting on a body and the motion of a body. For example a child playing with a cart, with toys in it and the cart was connected to a puller by a string, at the end of the string there is a pale tied to it. Making the cart move faster, this is because the force pulling the cart increases as the weight of the pale increases. Newton's first law of motion states that objects at rest remain at rest unless an unbalanced force is applied. The second law of motion describes what happens if the resultant force is different from zero. If the acceleration is constant, the body is said to be moving with uniformly accelerated motion. The purpose of this experiment is to measure the acceleration of a given mass produced by a given force and compare it with that calculated from Newton's second law of motion.
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