New Media: Technology and Society

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New Media: Technology and Society Kim Amat Com/400 April 29, 2013 New Media: Technology and Society This essay will focus on the changes of technology and how it has shaped society today. The changes in regard to digital divide and how one day this will not be an issue for those who do not have access to computers and Internet. Not only concerning computers and Internet, but access to phones and other media sources that is used in society today to communicate with others and the outside world. There will be a focus on how this digital divide is affecting schools in the United States and how this issue is being resolved. Also address an age old question since the growth of technology concerning Internet and social isolation. How new media effects the socioeconomic of today’s society and how this also affects the global economy. New media has made it conceivable for virtually anyone to modify, create, and share it with others. New technology is constantly being developed and being modified faster than society can adapt. The world has changed tremendously in regard to technology. A new technology rose from the ashes of older technology that has changed society and the world in a profound way, computers and the Internet. In the past computers were a thing of high tech, the government and scientists were the only ones with access to computers. To have a computer in the home was considered in the realm of science fiction. Today there are millions of homes with computers and Internet. Since 1984 the U.S. Census Bureau has been amassing statistics on Internet and computer use periodically by doing a CPS (Current Population Survey). The only questions that were asked in the years of 1984, 1989, and 1993, were about having computers in the home. The CPS started asking about Internet use for the first time in 1997. Questions regarding the use of Internet and
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