Never Lose Hope

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There are many opinions and views on hope that can be justified with pieces of literature and characters personas that the writer gives them. Hope can be something as a view on religion, or it can be a word from a loved one that gives you a uplifting in your spirit, it can also be a gathering with your family just to keep you going for another week. It’s all on the person that you ask this question. Everyone has a different view or opinion on this major question. Hope can be passive in the sense of a wish or active as a plan or idea, often against popular belief, with persistent, personal action to execute the plan or prove the idea. Consider a prisoner of war who never gives up hope for escape and, against the odds, plans and accomplishes this. But consider another prisoner who wishes or prays for freedom, or someone else who gives up all hope of freedom. It all depends on the situation that you’re in and what kind of ideas you have Never, never give up. means to keep trying and never stop workingfor your goals. do you agree or disagree with that statment? " try again never stop believing " here's a saying that i agree 100% with it. dreaming is the sweetest thing ever, because we always dream about things we love and hope . The best way to reach your dreams and hopes is to work to achieve them and to change them to reality. Here are some great advices that can help to achive dreams: First of all, you need to set your goals and ambitions and then try to reach them step by step. After that, do every littel thing that you possibly can to achive them . If you fall down just try again and again and always re member that there's no raising with falling a thousand times. Therefor, be decisive about reaching your ambitions and try hard to do that. But on the other hand, life without taking chances is no kind a life at all. For instance imagine yourself
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