Nestle Essay

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Case Study on Nestle Nestlé’s baby formula products affect the lives of innocent infants nationally and globally in a negative manner because of the organization’s poor communicative methods. This wealthy company has failed to thoroughly convey messages and instructions for their products as they branched out to non-speaking countries. This is just one of many communicative failures Nestle has committed, and it is the reason why this company has experienced infamous boycotts that are worthy of research and recognition. In the following case study paper, we will comprehensively explain various topics dealing with Nestlé’s baby formula products including the following: 1. The history and past reputation of its products that were distributed to developing countries. 2. Marketing strategies and why they were unsuccessful. 3. The demographics and statistics of its consumers and sales. 4. The current state of the company today. History and Past Reputation of Nestle Baby Formula Products This company dates back to 1867, when a Swedish merchant, chemist and inventor named Henri Nestle founded it. The Swedish-based company was the first to produce and market infant formulas to mothers who were either unable to breast-feed and/or to lighten their burdens of motherhood. Like many inventors in historical text, Henri Nestle named his company after his own last name to personify the commercial business. His main goals were to create secure and safe products that would provide nourishment for little ones born to a family environment. He strived to be recognized for producing traditional baby formula, both milk and soy-based, that would be the central element in Nestle’s corporate identity (Berkich, 2003). Nestle’s first commercially sold product was condensed milk, which was produced in Europe. Since that time, Nestle has become an oligopoly; producing other
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