Neologisms in Ukrainian and English

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The living language is constantly changing and growing, and so do the vocabulary, as the most flexible and dynamic its element. Some of the words drop out of the vocabulary with the development of culture, science, technology or with significant changes in the social life of people. Thousands of words and phrases enter the English language each year to name an invention, a new development, process, trend. Language development is largely predetermined by the development of its word-building system, the formation of new word-building patterns, changing of existing ones, increasing or decreasing of their productivity and many other factors of word-building process. Establishment of the development tendencies in word-building processes in the language, improvement of the theory and practice of lexicography, etc. ─ have always been the most important problems of lexicology. The huge influx of new words and the need to describe them led to the creation of a special branch of lexicology ─ neology, the science which studies neologisms. According to Oxford Dictionary of Englisha neologism is “a newly coined word or expression that may be in the process of entering common use, [24, p. 15] but has not yet been accepted into mainstream language”. In a well-known “Dictionary of Linguistic Terms” O. Akhmanova provides a more detailed definition of two types of neologisms. The first one is connected with nomination of a completely new thing: “neologism is a word or phrasecreated for defining a new (unknown before) object or expressing a new notion” [3, p. 16]. This point of view is quite significant in giving aproper idea of neologisms, although it does not indicate their key characteristic features. The second one is the following: “a new word or expression that has not received the right for citizenship in a national language and thus is perceived as belonging to a

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