Neoclassicism Essay

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Neoclassicism, Impressionism, and Abstract Expressionism

When you take in account the following eras of art, Neoclassicism, Impressionism, and Abstract Expressionism there are numerous similarities and differences. Each of the following art movements where produced within a different period which allowed for the painters of the era to be use some element of the previous art era and create there own new genre. Some of the art which reflects, the new genre of arts work for that era are The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries by Jacques Louis David, The Luncheon of the Boating Party by Pierre-Auguste Renoir, and Autumn Rhythm (Number 30) by Jackson Pollock. Through this paper, I will explain how each style is reflected and background information about the era, some of the painting techniques and formal elements, and then how all the style are similarities and differences. The Neoclassical era, was an era started in the seventeenth century and was a French movement which was marked by identifying with public minded values of the Greek and Roman heroes. This era, placed value on self-sacrifice, moral virtue and, the right actions. There was a change in the way that the artwork appeared, woman were no longer seen as mermaid lie figures but rather for the people who they were mothers and leaders. In the Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries by Jacques Louis David is a picture which is ear to identify why it is in the Neoclassical era. Within the painting, you see one person within the photo, who would have to be identified as Emperor Napoleon, and he is well dressed. The details around him, also speak volumes for the painting, Napoleon is surrounding by luxurious furniture, which is brought out by the color scheme of the painting. The chairs are in a deep hue of red and gold, and within the dresser you see a sword. One element that played a great
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