Negative Reality Tv

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Abstract Television’s effect on viewers is a subject that has been thoroughly studied in the last twenty years and whose impact reaches farther than most people realize. Many studies have focused on how television programs that appear to be “real,” such as news and soap operas, alter the viewers’ perception of reality. However, the most recent trend in reality television is overtaking the networks and polluting viewers’ minds with distorted pictures of reality, leaving behind an even bigger effect than regular television. Viewers can't seem to get enough of the torture, embarrassment, temptation, and drama of other regular people being placed in unrealistic settings and manipulated for the world to see. This paper describes the negative effects of reality television viewing on individuals, such as violent or aggressive behavior, substance use, sexual activity, and insufficient academic performance. In addition to the television ratings system, media education is an effective approach to addressing these problems. Introduction Reality television has been perceived as the lowest form of entertainment, a threat to intelligence, and catering to the desires of human instincts. Television producers acknowledge the cyclical nature of television programming; nothing is popular forever. They’re counting on youthful viewers to help maintain the life of the genre. Violence, language, disorientation of reality, and stupid stunts seem to mark a lot of reality television Larry(2007). What's even more disconcerting is reality TV's emphasis that it's real and its contestants are ordinary citizens. Unfortunately, our generation has more media exposure than our parents had when they were growing up. The negative outcome reality programming has affected: illiteracy, behavioral changes, insecurities, and disrupting the social balance in society. My effort is to educate those in a

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