Negative Effects of the Social Networks

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Negative Effects of the Social Networks In the past people’s hobbies have changed extremely, currently during free time people sit down in front of a computer to browse on Social Networks; this activity has become a compulsion to see the new notifications, group invitations, cause invitations and friend requests. Those are some of the things that people can do in Social Networks such as MySpace, Friendster, Orkut or the most popular sites Facebook. People in the Social Networks create profiles, join groups, search friends, post photos or comments, and share personal information like address, phone, mail, favorite music, favorite movies, religious, studies interests and political beliefs. However Social Networks are designed for being in contact with family and friends, these places are producing negative effects like wasting time, social isolation, and an opportunity to be involved in a crime. First, Social Networks consume a lot of time; people spend hours in these web sites. For example for high school and college students it has a negative effect, Social Networks are consuming the time for studying, practicing a sport, or involving in a dynamic hobby. College Students need a lot of time in order to prepare essays, tests, and quizzes and also get excellent qualifications. But the time that they need to study they are losing it at the Social Networks because these web sites require time to read the information posted, chat with friends and family, congratulate to birthday people, write in the walls of their girlfriends, friends, or family, post the best pictures of a party, trip, or special event, and express their feelings in their walls. Social Networks also are a place for voyeurism. People can see the profiles of many users, read about other users’ interests, see photos of others, and know the life of friends or even people who is unknown; because they are

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