Negative Effects Of Social Networking

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7/10/11 The negative effects of social networking Our society is one that is always on the go. Between long work weeks, single parenting, adults going back to school, and normal household chores, anyone can find themselves without the time for a social life. With this vital role of life missing, a substitute has been created, social networking. But what cost comes with this new source for a social life? A social networking site, like facebook, may seem innocent enough but it can negatively impact free time, privacy, and even our careers. Facebook users generally start an account, with a desire to re-connect with past friends or to open a channel of communication for current friends and family members. Having a Facebook page can be a great way to connect with distant relatives or friends that aren’t seen often. However, most Facebook pages will fill up with people from the past, acquaintances, and even co-workers. The more people that are accepted to a page, the more time consuming it becomes. Social networking has become such an integral part of daily life that Swartz noted U.S. consumers spend 36% of online time on such networks (para. 4). Many people have come to check their Facebook page daily and even joke about being Facebook addicts. It is not uncommon to see posts about people not Gamel 2 being able to get off of Facebook, even though they know they have more important things they should be doing. These networks give a person the ability to quickly and easily share information about events that they are attending, quotes that inspire, irritating experiences with local companies, even personal pictures of normal life experiences that happen throughout their day. With the need to post every detail of our daily life, things are exposed not only to friends and family members, but to the entire cyber world as well. It is easy to forget who all is

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