Negative Effects of Overpopulation

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It is a well known fact that the number of people have been increasing. Today, world's population reached 7 billion people and the amount of people increases every day. Earth can not manage all of these people and it causes overpopulation. Overpopulation has many negative effects on earth, such as environment pollutions, economic diffuculties and social effects. The first disadvantage of overpopulation is environment pollutions which include air pollution and water pollution. Effects of overpopulation on natural resources contain soils being damaged and forest being expended, therefore it affects air materials.For example, Earthday Network estimates that the U.S. Generated 27.5% of the world's CO2 emissions; more than five times of India, a country with 4-5 times the population of the U.S. in 1997.Air pollution also leads to harm the ozone layer which is protecting creatures from dangerous ultraviolet rays of the sun. The ozone layer is a section of concentrated molecules of a form of oxygen high above earth. Hence, without the ozone layer there would be no life. But various chemicals from human industries is destroying the ozone layer by stage. Another major mark of overpopulation is water pollution. Due to water pollution, freshwater resources has been decayed and toxiceted. Thus, for future generations lack of water would be main problem on earth. Also, chemicals which comes from industries and thrown away to oceans eliminate valuable species of animals. The second disadvantages of overpopulation is economic diffuculties. By increasing human population, one side of the world got more industrial power while the other side is left in poverty. There is no jobs for everyone when the population increases.Also, there is not enough food to grow with the rising number of people. The prices of food have nearly tripled in the last decade and are out of reach for the 3
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