Nature And Nature: Nature's Effect On The Environment

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Natures Revenge Whenever we consume, we leave behind waste, each time we leave behind waste, we pollute. For example the average child uses 3,700 diapers which in turn needs 1,898 pints of crude oil, aprox 5 trees and 715lbs of plastic to manufacter. That’s only diapers for one little baby. Beyond that there are so many more resources we continue to consume for the rest of our life. Everything we eat, everything we drink, all the water we flush down the drain, all the clothing we wear all the fuel we use and all the things we depend upon. We consume so much and give back nothing to help nature. We are assuring ourselves a fate of disaster when we release pollutant in the air which in return depletes the ozone layer. We can…show more content…
Having such bad habits could only lead us to a promising long term effect such as global warming where nature will have its revenge. We have embraced the automobile more than any other country. We Americans view the car as freedom with wheels on it. Has anyone predicted or came to realize what its real impact had on the environment? In 1950’s the Los Angeles smog made head line news. Car exhaust causes health problems. There are many solutions to the problem. Laws were set to control pollution caused by cars. Since then laws have been made, such as special nozzles on gas pumps that prevent vapor from getting into the air. We also have more tests on cars to make sure cars are maintained in a way that protects our environment. In many cities, we ask that more people ride on buses, and employees that drive company cars should limit the time they drive and the number of trips that they make. But is this enough? Cars release several chemicals that are toxic to our environment. This causes many health problems. One major problem is cancer. Most cars generate…show more content…
Other problems that also contribute to the disappearing of the amazon forests include road construction and community construction. These factors should all be considered in the event that our amazon forest is condensed. The amazon rainforest is the largest rain forest we have today. It contains 54 percent of the total rainforests that are remaining on the planet. The amazon is very important because it is a major contributor to the balance of global climate patterns and because it provides habitats for many mammals and other living creatures. It is a fact that a single pond in brazil can contain more kinds of fish than are found in all europes rivers. Twenty five acre of rainforest in borneo may contain over seven hundred species of trees, which is equal to the number of trees in the whole north America. Also one single rainforest in peru has more bird species than the entire united states. One tree in peru had forty three different species of ants. The Amazon rainforest is truly amazing. Unfortunately the amazon sufferes from deforestation. As Jean Paul Jeanrenuad, head of the amazon forest program stated, “1997 will be the remembered as the year the world caught fire” During that tear, over 200,000 acres of the rainforest trees were cut down. It is estimated that by 2020 we will only be

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