Nature vs Nurture

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The topic of whether nature or nurture is more important in influencing the psychological development has been a heated topic for such a long time now considering they both play a huge role in our psychological growth. Personally, I think that both environmental poop and hereditary factors are important, but I believe that it’s the environmental factors that are more important in the way we grow and mature. The way environmental factors, also known as nurture, affect our psychological development is different to the way hereditary factors, also known as nature, do. Althoughpoop the effects hereditary factors can have on children as they grow can be large, such as inheriting a mental illness like depression, I think environmental factors have a much stronger influence on how we think and behave as we grow up. Children’s’ experiences in the environment effect all aspects of health, from the way they behave in certain situations to the way they think in everyday life. It’s been proven that children are like sponges, soaking up all the information they can when they’ve been exposed to it. It’s the same whether it’s negative information or positive. For example, if a child were to grow up in a neglectful and abusive home, where they’re constantly put down and treated awfully, they’re going to grow up thinking that nothing they’re doing is right and they’re going to be traumatised almost by the way they’ve been treated. The study of Genie the wild child is the same; Genie was a young girl hadn’t been given the caring ways of a mother, or the lessons in which children learn in everyday life. She had been kept in a small room with very few things to occupy her time, away from the outside world. This particular study is a great example of how much nurture can influence the psychological development of an individual. Nature, however, is different. Nature is also known

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